Our mission

At Converso, we recognize the complexity of modern business communications. From customer support to internal collaboration and lead generation, interactions nowadays can span numerous use cases over multiple channels. 

Our mission is to enhance productivity and efficiency of business communications by embedding AI at the core of all channels, ensuring intelligence in every customer and internal interaction. We call this Conversation Intelligence (CI).

To enable this, we're building an omnichannel platform that seamlessly integrates AI into all aspects of business communication. Our solution ensures that every interaction, whether it's a customer support query, an internal group chat, or a sales conversation, is informed by the most up-to-date knowledge source.

We've begun with internal chat, webchat, WhatsApp, and SMS for customer support, with plans to expand and cover more channels and functionalities in the future. 

Our goal is to apply CI to all types of business communications, making every interaction more intelligent, personalised and productive.

Our vision

We see a future where AI is seamlessly integrated into every aspect of business communication, transforming customer interactions and internal collaboration. AI-powered agents will manage conversations across multiple channels throughout the customer journey, from product discovery to after-sales support.

These AI agents will provide quick, accurate, and personalized responses by leveraging a knowledge base that breaks down traditional data silos. Customers will effortlessly access support through their preferred channels, while businesses benefit from enhanced efficiency and insight.

“Conversation Intelligence” will save countless hours of human effort, allowing teams to focus on more complex issues that require empathy and nuanced understanding. Internal collaboration will be revolutionized through AI-enhanced tools that provide context-aware insights.

Our goal is to help businesses communicate more effectively through a hybrid solution of artificial + human intelligence, thereby helping to deliver an unrivalled level of customer care and agent productivity.

Our team

Chris Barley

Chris has extensive startup product development experience, successfully launching a number of high growth SaaS communications and billing services.

Gianluca Bonetti

Gianluca is a senior Java architect, and has built invoicing and payments systems for both large retail organizations and small service businesses.

Emilie West

Emilie has significant experience in Financial Services marketing and branding and is also a Non-executive Director of Events & Communications agency Live Group.

Jamie McDonnell

Jamie is an experienced front end developer, specializing in visual design, user flows, wireframes and application design.